Pathophysiology Important Question

Pathophysiology Important Question B Pharmacy 2nd Semester

Pathophysiology Important Question B Pharmacy 2nd Semester

Pathophysiology Important Question B Pharmacy 2nd Semester

Pathophysiology Important Question B Pharmacy 2nd Semester Long Essays (10 Marks)

1. Explain the etiology, the pathogenesis of Asthma Write in detail the pathogenesis of Parkinsonism.

2. Write in detail the pathogenesis of Stroke.

3. What are the various cellular events in acute Inflammation?

4. Explain the pathogenesis of Congestive Cardiac Failure.

5. What is Atherosclerosis? Explain the pathogenesis involved in Atherosclerosis.

6. Explain various types of cellular adaptations? Give examples.

7. What Is Atherosclerosis? Explain the pathogenesis involved in Atherosclerosis.

8. Define Epilepsy. Classify the various types of Epilepsy, with their signs and symptoms.

9. Explain the Etiology, Pathogenesis, and morphology of reversible cell injury.

10. Define angina pectoris. Briefly discuss the types and pathogenesis of angina.

11. What are metabolic disorders? Explain the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus.

12. Explain the etiology, pathogenesis of Peptic ulcers.

13. Write in detail the vascular events involved in the process of Inflammation..

14. Explain the etiology, the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease.

15. Define hypertension. Discuss the pathogenesis of essential hypertension.

16. Explain the etiology, Pathogenesis, and morphology of reversible cell injury.

17. Explain the etiology, Pathogenesis, and morphology of irreversible cell injury.

Pathophysiology Important Question B Pharmacy 2nd Semester Short Essays (05 Marks)

1. Explain the pathogenesis of chronic inflammation.

2. Explain depression and mania.

3. List out the Chemical mediators and their role in the process of inflammation.

4. Explain the pathogenesis and clinical symptoms of Asthma.

5. Explain the pathogenesis, signs, and symptoms of Parkinsonism.

6. Define myocardial infarction. Briefly write the morphology of infarction.

7. Pathogenesis of Acute renal failure.

8. Explain the etiology, pathogenesis, signs, and symptoms of Typhoid.

9. Describe the Pathophysiology of hypertension.

10. Explain the Pathogenesis of AIDS.

11. Explain Pathogenesis, clinical presentation of Rheumatoid arthritis.

12. Explain the process of healing by Primary Intention.

13. Explain the pathogenesis and clinical symptoms of COPD.

14. Explain the etiology, pathogenesis, signs, and symptoms of Leprosy.

15. Explain Pathogenesis of Hypertension.

16. Describe the physiological and pathological significance of prostaglandins.

17. Explain the Pathogenesis of AIDS.

18. Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.

19. Explain the development of alcoholic liver disease.

20. Explain the etiology, pathogenesis, signs, and symptoms of Tuberculosis.

21. What are the various biochemical intracellular accumulations found in Cell Injury?

22. Define Schizophrenia. Mention the positive and negative symptoms of Schizophrenia.

23. Explain Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

24. Write the mechanism of free radicals induced cell injury.

25. Briefly discuss plasma-derived mediators of acute inflammation.

26. Differentiate between Rheumatoid arthritis and Gout.

27. Explain the Pathogenesis of tuberculosis.

28. Mention sexually transmitted diseases. Explain the pathogenesis of AIDS.

29. Explain the process of phagocytosis.

30. Write pathogenesis of Goitre.

31. What is Healing by Secondary Intention?

32. Define metastasis. Briefly discuss the routes of metastasis.

33. Write a note on Jaundice.

34. Explain the pathogenesis of Gout.

35. Explain the etiology, pathogenesis, signs, and symptoms of Typhoid.

36. Define Schizophrenia. Mention the positive and negative symptoms of Schizophrenia

37. Explain the process of healing by Primary Intention.

38. Explain the pathogenesis of acute renal failure.

39. Explain the Pathogenesis of Leprosy.

40. List out the Chemical mediators and their role in the process of inflammation

41. Explain the Pathogenesis of Syphilis.

42. Differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic asthma.

43. Write a note on Hepatitis.

44. Explain Pathogenesis, clinical presentation of Gout

45. Briefly outline the molecular mechanism of cancer.

46. What is Cerebrovascular Disease? Explain the pathogenesis of Stroke.

47. Name the causative agent, mode of transmission, signs and symptoms for Syphilis.

48. Explain sequential stages in chemical carcinogenesis.

49. Define Ischemic Heart Diseases. Mention the types. Explain the risk factors.

50. Define Viral Hepatitis. Classify them. Write a note on pathogenesis of Hepatitis B.

Pathophysiology Important Question B Pharmacy 2nd Semester Ssort Answer (02 Marks)

1. Differentiate Apoptosis and Necrosis.

2. List the factors affecting wound healing.

3. Name the cause for acute renal failure.

4. Define Iron deficiency anemia and megaloblastic anemia

5. Write the signs and symptoms of Hyperthyroidism.

6. Write the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

7. Define Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Mention the types.

8. Write four contrasting features of the benign and malignant tumor.

9. Causative organism and signs, symptoms for UTI.

10. Name the causative agent, mode of transmission, signs, and symptoms for Gonorrhea.

11. List the factors affecting wound healing.

12. Describe the Pathophysiology of chronic renal failure.

13. Complications of Diabetes mellitus.

14. Give two examples each for direct and indirect-acting carcinogens

15. Name the causative organism for Meningitis, Typhoid.

16. Define sickle cell anemia and thalassemia.

17. Define Stroke and its etiology.

18. What are the different stages of alcoholic liver disease?

19. Define Acidosis and Alkalosis.

20. List any two STD and their causative organisms.

21. What is Electrolyte imbalance?

22. Write four contrasting features of a benign and malignant tumors.

23. Name the causative organism for Leprosy, TB.

24. Define hemophilia.

25. What are cardinal signs of inflammation?

26. Define AIDS. Mention the causative organism.

27. Write a note on inflammatory bowel disease.

28. Mention signs and symptoms of Hepatitis.

29. Write the signs and symptoms of Hyperthyroidism.

30. What is Goitre? Mention the clinical symptoms.

31. Define Ischemia and Hypoxia.

32. Write the causative agent, mode of transmission, signs, and symptoms of Urinary tract infection

33. Name the causative agent, mode of transmission, signs, and symptoms for Syphilis.

34. Differentiate Transudate and Exudate.

35. Explain the role of autocoids in inflammation.

36. Write a note on hereditary acquired anemia.

37. Symptoms of Parkinsonism.

38. Note on Biologic carcinogenesis.

39. What are the pathological changes in asthma?

40. Give examples for radiation-induced malignancies

41. Differentiate between metaplasia and dysplasia.

42. Define Cretinism and Myxoedema.

43. Define Carcinogenicity with its etiology.

44. Role of Vitamin B12 and Folic acid in anemia.

45. Define Meningitis. Classify Infectious Meningitis.

46. Define Jaundice. Mention the mechanism that leads to jaundice.

47. Name the causative agent, mode of transmission for AIDS.

48. List out complications of wound healing.

49. Causative agent, mode of transmission of tuberculosis.

50. Differentiate Apoptosis and Necrosis

51. Name the causative agent for tuberculosis and leprosy.

52. Note on Hypogonadism and Gynaecomastia.

53. Define Acidosis and Alkalosis

54. Write the signs and symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

55. Give examples for radiation-induced malignancies

56. List the factors affecting wound healing.

57. Define haemophilia.

58. Write the causative agent, mode of transmission, signs and symptoms of Urinary Tract infection

59. Define chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

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